PHS named national PLTW distinguished school

Logo for PLTW Distinguished High Schools awardPattonville High School has been recognized as a 2023-2024 Project Lead the Way (PLTW) Distinguished School. It is one of just 291 high schools across the U.S. to receive this honor for providing broad access to transformative learning experiences for students through PLTW programs (computer science, biomedical science, engineering). PLTW is a nonprofit organization that serves millions of pre-K through 12th grade students and teachers in more than 12,200 schools across the U.S. This is the fifth time and fourth straight year Pattonville has received this award.

The PLTW Distinguished School recognition honors schools committed to increasing student access, engagement and achievement in their PLTW programs. To be eligible for the designation, Pattonville High School had to meet the following criteria in the 2022-2023 school year:

  • Had at least 25% of students participate in PLTW high school courses, or of those who participated during the 2022-2023 school year, at least 33% take two or more PLTW courses; 
  • Offer and have students enrolled in at least three PLTW high school courses; 
  • Had strategies and procedures in place that support reasonably proportional representation with regard to race, ethnicity, poverty and gender.

“We are honored to recognize Pattonville High School for its commitment to providing students with exceptional educational experiences while ensuring equitable access to PLTW programs,” PLTW president and CEO Dr. David Dimmett said. "We congratulate them on this achievement and celebrate their dedication to empowering students with the knowledge and skills to succeed, not only in STEM subjects, but also preparing them for future careers and life outside of the classroom."