Students win the gold in Olympic Reading Marathon

Third graders at Remington Traditional participated in the Olympic Reading Marathon on Feb. 11. Every student read for 10 minutes in the library and then returned to class to pass a torch on to another student in Isabelle Garcia-Blackwell and Christy Hillier's classes. The event is running from Feb. 8 to 17 allowing every grade a chance to participate.

“Between 8 to 11:40 a.m. and 1 to 2:30 p.m., there is always someone reading in the library,” library technology specialist Jill Ramig said.

Two rocking chairs are placed in front of an Olympic rings backdrop and books are available for students to read. 

“In order to get through everybody in one day, we might have two students reading at the same time,” Ramig said. “I change out the books so they are grade appropriate, but a lot of students have been bringing down their own books.”

At the end of the day, every reader earns a gold medal. 

“It’s the Olympics, right?” Ramig said. “So of course we reward them for doing a great job.”